Monday, October 19, 2009

SVN Build automation with ant

As i indicated in my last post, we use Ant to create our new scripts. In response to some requests, i am sharing here our “commonbuild.xml” file that shows how we do the key parts of this build in a reusable way. Before you get started you will need to make sure you have late version of ant (1.7 please) and you will need to add some libraries to your ant lib folder. These are the subclipse libraries as well as commons-net if you want to send emails at the end of your build.

Here is is a snapshot of all new libraries added:


The first 4 are needed for mail functions and the last 4 are added from svn. I am using svn 1.5 due to the fact that i have not yet updated my Intellij past version 7 so only 1.5 is supported.

In addition you need to install collabnet subversion client (windows) for this to work.

For Svn Purposes, we have set up the following task:

  1: <taskdef resource="org/tigris/subversion/svnant/svnantlib.xml">
  2:         <classpath>
  3:             <fileset dir="${3rdParty.home}/svnant-1.2.0-RC1/lib" includes="**/*.jar" />
  4:         </classpath>
  5: </taskdef>

Using it is pretty straightforward. Below is a macro that we use for commit and tag:

  1: <macrodef name="commitAndTag">
  2:         <attribute name="commitMessage" />
  3:         <attribute name="tagName" />
  4:         <sequential>
  5:             <echo message="checking in dist folder and manifest versions" />
  6:             <svn>
  7:                 <commit message="@{commitMessage}">
  8:                     <fileset dir="${trunk.dir}">
  9:                         <include name="dist/**" />
 10:                         <include name="**/build/**.txt" />
 11:                     </fileset>
 12:                 </commit>
 13:             </svn>
 14:             <svn>
 15:                 <copy srcUrl="${svnUrl}/${svn.projectName}/trunk" destUrl="${svnUrl}/${svn.projectName}tags/@{tagName}" message="@{tagName} tag" />
 16:             </svn>
 17:         </sequential>
 18:     </macrodef>

And to invoke this macro is simple:

  <commitAndTag commitMessage="${release.version}" tagName="${release.version}" />

In the next post I hope to show the macro used for editing the manifest file and upping the version number.

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