Monday, May 11, 2020

Building a Spring - MVC Like Application in Python

As a long time Java/Spring and Spring-MVC user, when our team recently needed to build a REST API in Python, we set about trying to see how we can create something as similar as possible to what we are accustomed to (and love!) in Spring MVC. There was a lot learning along the way, so I would like to share the very satisfactory results that we had.
The first decision that we needed to make was which HTTP framework to use. We decided to base our application on Flask, one of the well known, easy to use, libraries for building web servers. On top of that, we used Flask-RESTX, which as their web site indicates it “adds support for quickly building REST APIs”. Flask-RESTX has many features, such as simplified generation of Swagger documentation and HTTP error handling. On top of that, we added Flask-Injector, enabling us to use Dependency Injection, a feature that is so basic for us Spring developers. Dependency injection makes it trivial to mock out our database and other dependencies in unit tests. It also makes it easy to set up a singleton connection or our database which can be used in multiple places in our requests
Now that we have our framework of technologies, we can get started. One of the confusing issues within Flask and Flask-RESTX, for those familiar with Flask, is how to organize our APIs. After trying out namespaces and blueprints, we concluded that for the sake of our Swagger documentation that we will generate, the best approach is to use namespaces.

So a simple API would look as follows:

For each API we define a separate class. Notice doc=False. This will tell Flask-RESTX that we are not interested in including our health check in the generated swagger documentation. Also, note the naming of the function determines the HTTP Method used to invoke this action.

One of the nice features of Spring MVC is the simplicity with which we can set up interceptors or filters of all requests based on regex expressions. While we didn’t find a way to set up interceptors based on regex, the interceptor feature exists for before and after requests and can be used with dependency injection using Flask-Injector.
Here is a simple example:

Our interceptor will log all incoming requests that are not the health check. After all, we do not want every ping of the load balancer to our service to be logged. In addition, on all regular user requests, we will pull the authenticated username (via AWS Cognito before our service is invoked) from the Header. We then query our injected datasource to pull additional user information. Once we have this information we insert it into our context using “g” so that this information will be available to all subsequent request handling.
There are two steps missing here to make this work, initialization of our datasource and registering our before (and after) request interceptor. Both of these happen as part of the code needed to initialize our Flask application. These steps include:
  • Create the flask app
  • Using the Flask Object created, add interceptors
  • Create a Class to inherit from injector’s module class to register all our singletons like our database connection for injection
Before we get to this, we will create our flask restx API. As we found in other sample projects we create this in our file at the top of our modules of all our requests:

Just as you see we added our health check you can add the rest of your namespaces here. Now, using this flask_restx we can complete our initialization:

The bottom function create_run_time_flask() shows how we put together all the initializations in this file. This function is used for runtime (as we run using gunicorn via Docker) whereas a similar function creating mocks for injection is used in our unit test module. In the unit test module, once we have our app set up, we use our flask_app.test_client to send all our REST requests.

Happy Flasking…

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Querying Athena tables without the limits of Athena

When AWS introduced Athena, we started moving more and more of our business use to it. Athena meant that we no longer had to raise an EMR to query our parquet files and can easily play with with writing queries anytime and even save them. We even introduced CloudWatch scheduled jobs to run queries and email out reports.

However, when we started building a pipeline for processing data we quickly hit a ceiling of maximum concurrent queries allowed by Athena which is defined on an account basis! You can see the limits here. Notice how low they are! We soon realized that Athena may be problematic for automated pipelined with concurrent processes.

The good news is that once you have defined tables in Athena, these tables are automatically in the Glue Catalog of your AWS environment. This meant that we have Hive Tables that are globally accessible from any EMR we raise. This is much more efficient than having spark read a path from s3 where our files are stored, since in the case where you have a large number of files, it actually needs to scan the header information of each file before you can get to work. Instead, we can create the EMR with one extra parameter and then create our spark session with hive enabled. Once we do this we can access all our athena tables directly from spark code.

The first necessary change is to add to the emr creation script the following:

--configurations '[{"Classification":"hive-site","Properties": 
{"hive.metastore.client.factory.class":"com.amazonaws.glue.catalog.metastore.AWSGlueDataCatalogHiveClientFactory"}}, \
{"Classification":"spark-hive-site", \

The next step is the change your code when you create your spark session

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("SimpleApp").enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate()
After this you can select which athena database you want to use:

   spark.sql("use dev")
   spark.sql("show tables").show()
Then you can easily query you tables:
   spark.sql("SELECT * FROM myTable LIMIT 10

Monday, March 4, 2019

Using CloudWatch Logs Insights to monitor your API Gateway

Recently, AWS released a new feature called CloudWatch Logs Insights. This feature allows us to easily write queries on CloudWatch Logs and create dashboards out of them. We leveraged this features to enable us to easily monitor our API Gateway access logs, to see a breakdown of all 4xx and 5xx statuses returned by our APIs. In this post, I will outline the steps necessary to make this happen.

The first thing to do is to enable logging in your API Gateway. If you are using AWS SAM Cloud Formation you will not be able to automate this step at this time. Instead, using the Console, go to your API Gateway pages and select stages on the left. Then select the stage of your deployment you wish to have logs for. Then select the Logs/Tracing table and enable logs in JSON format by clicking on JSON.

You will also need to specify the ARN of your log group. If you don't know it then you can easily find it by selecting logs in CloudWatch. Then edit the columns you see to include the ARN.

Once you have specified this, you will begin to have access logs sent to the ARN you have set up.
Since you have chosen JSON format CloudWatch Insights will automatically be able to identify the fields and help you to write queries. From the Cloudwatch Logs console you can click on explore and then you can start to play. Here are few queries we used to get you started, which help us break down our 5xx errors:

filter status >= 500 and status <= 599
| stats count(*) as count by resourcePath as url, status, bin(5m)
This simple line allows will only look for requests whose status is 5xx and then display the url, status, time in 5 minute intervals and the number of such requests that appeared during that interval.

Once you have this you can click on the button "Add to Dashboard" so that you can have a dashboard to track this data.

And if you just want the dashboard without playing here is a CloudFormation template you can use:

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to read from AWS Parameter Store

Recently we have transformed our AWS based servers to AWS Fargate. One of the challenges we have faced is how we can provide properties in a secure way to our serverless docker instances. Our Spring/Java based servers use @Value injection for many of our properties including sensitive data like database passwords. Until now we have used Spring config property files. There are encryption solutions like Jasypt that work well if we have access to a volume on our EC2 instance. However, when using fargate we are serverless with no such access. 

The first choice as a team that is heavily invested in spring would be dockerized instances of Spring Cloud Config but first we wanted to see what AWS service we could use to simplify things. We found the AWS Parameter Store. As the documentation indicates, AWS parameter store provides "secure, hierarchical storage for configuration data management and secrets management". We have the ability to control access to the keys using AWS IAM Roles. We also have simple key management of the encryption using AWS KMS as well as a built in audit log of changes. The only challenge left for us was to integrate the reading of the Parameter store into our application as an out of the box replacement for the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer we have used to inject environment based properties until now. I will outline below the steps we did to do this. 

The first part of the project was our SSMClient class to wrap all calls to the Parameter Store.  As you see in the comments, this class wraps the AWS API to retrieve parameters from the parameter store, including retrieving all the environment parameters and stripping off the prefix. As you see in the code we cannot retrieve all the parameters in one shot and need to loop until we retrieve them all using the token returned on each call. AWS will only return a maximum of 10 elements in each call.

The next step was to use this class and implement our own PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer. Here is the code we used for this. As you see in the code, at the time this code is called we do not have a fully autowired SSMClient to work with so we need to do this manually. So we create our SSMClient and inject the dependencies we need, manually call our PostConstruct function. After this we have our properties to pass to the base class and make them ready to inject in all the @Value parameters we have. To use the bean we just add it to our @Configuration or to the Application Context xml as you need.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Why is Spring @Value not working to read my parameter and default value?

In my small Spring project, i have a value that i may need to change of on of my parameters.  The simple solution would be
private String myParam;
Yet it was not working and the value was coming out as "$myparam:defaultVal".

What's the issue?
Eventually i stumbled upon the issue via this spring issue. I also saw it addressed here although there is a mistake as it is not sufficient to use util:properties as explained here. So, to make this work if you are using XML just add this in:

<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:/"/>

Now hopefully this wont happen again to me...

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Using Gradle for a mixed groovy and java project and creating a distribution zip

Yes, I still use Groovy upon occasion. Groovy still is more readable and elegant in a lot of instances even than Java 8.

Ok but let's say i am writing both java and groovy in the project
In order to have this work, you need to configure your Gradle project with the following small changes so that you can make it compile the mixed code.

You need to make all the code compile as Groovy code (even the Java code).
So, add the following lines to your project: = []
sourceSets.main.groovy.srcDirs += ["src/main/java"]

This makes all your java code compile with the Groovy compiler to prevent dependency issues between the Groovy and Java code.

Now, your code all works but you want to put the zip of it somewhere to use. So, just add these lines:

task zip(dependsOn: jar, type: Zip) {
    from { configurations.runtime.allArtifacts.files } {
    from { configurations.runtime } {


Now when you run gradle zip you will get a zip with all dependencies inside! 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Why am I getting "WARNING arguments left: 1"

If you are new to Akka Logging and are used to using Log4j, there is a good chance you will get the error "WARNING arguments left: 1", and not know where its coming from.

So, here it is:
In log4j, you maybe used to writing:
logger.warn("Exception caught: ", e);

This is perfectly valid and works fine. If you use this line in akka logging, you will get the error "WARNING arguments left: 1" because in the case of logback, the syntax assumes it is filling in params from the string, so it expects this:
logger.warning("Exception caught: {}", e);
Hope this will help all of us (including me) not to get caught by this again....